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What Is Cosmart?

To tell you briefly about Cosmart, This company is an e-commerce company tha promote the first membership products in Indonesia. Cosmart's vision is to help users fulfill their monthly lives better, with quality products and competitive prices.

Today, Cosmart has transformed into a "Top 10 E-commerce": a one-stop platform that connects users with over 200.000 registered users and partners



Cosmart is an on-demand grocery platform service that operates in Indonesia. The activation rate in the Home page is around 65%, the rest of the users drop off without doing anything on the Home page. The drop-off users are mainly new users who just visited Cosmart for the first time.

It is hard to find what users want on the Cosmart Homepage as different users have different intents and needs. Hence, we attempted to improve the content structure and overall navigation and experience on Cosmart home to boost our conversions for our main user personas.


OKR (Objective Key Result)

➡️ Objective 1: Reduce friction for routine buying use case (Acquisition)

Most of our existing consumers are currently looking for daily needs / incidental goods with a limited market segment. In order to scale our numbers, we will need to target routine buyers for their weekly grocery items.

  • KR 1.2 - Increase AOF (Buying Freq) from 1.2 to 2.0 per month

➡️ Objective 2: Create a reliable & consistent experience for consumers
Grocery delivery is usually done only 2-3 monthly by our target segment. Ensuring they have a great experience is critical in order to maintain them on our platform.

  • KR 2.5 - Increase weekly Visit-to-Book conversion (unique users) from 14% to 25%


Tangible Metrics

  • Increase Visit to activation conversion

  • Increase Visit to merchant page load conversion

  • Increase Visit to booking conversion in virgin users



Existing Flow In Cosmart

Funnel Analysis

This activity is important for us to monitor user actions and behaviors. This is critical because those behaviors reveal the intention and motivation of our customers.

  • More customers bounce from homepage search than from merchant page. 

  • Those who have decided where to shop earlier are more likely to add items to the cart (although require more time than homepage search)


Profile Data Costumers

Most users have a short tenure (less than 100 days). 3.6% even has a tenure of up to 5 days only. Over 75% have zero Cosmart Completed order​.


  • Based on Cosmart User State:

    • 69.3% are Untouched

    • 15.6% are Early

    • 6.6% are New Sign Up

    • 3.7% are Churn

    • 3.2% are Occasional

    • 1.7% are Mature



  • Users have doubt over Cosmart capability to fulfil their shopping needs

    • They expect more merchants, or didn't find their preferred merchants​

    • Unfamiliar with Cosmart (there're more competitor that much known)

    • Not knowing / unsure about how to order

  • Opening Cosmart only out of curiosity

    • No incentives or appeal as to why they should order from Cosmart.​


Identifying User Discovery Modes

After distilling insights from various research projects, I identified 4 Cosmart user discovery modes.

Based on rill data, user discovery modes are dependent on (1) their shopping use case and (2) the kind of content they focus on seeking when opening Cosmart.



In-Depth Interview​ (Unearthing the blockers behind GoMart pre-booking funnel drop )

Research Background

There is a quite significant drop in the GoMart homepage, in which customers bounce from the homepage without clicking on anything (e.g. banner, search bar, merchant page, or promoted SKU in the homepage).

Result In-Dept Interview

Mostly, the design is perceived to be clean and clear enough for them.

However, while untouched and early users can easily grasp the early ordering steps of Cosmart, their understanding about how the service fully works can be incomplete or misleading. This becomes a big blocker for untouched users to try exploring the app further & creating an order.

What are keeping users from placing a Cosmart order?

Uncertainty about Cosmart

Upon arrival in the homepage, customers have unanswered questions about how Cosmart operates in both pre and post-booking

How Might We  Improve Cosmart's homepage for our users so that we can increase our overall Visit-to-book conversion?

After prioritizing based on the feasibility and impact:

Competitor Analysis

Looking at the competitors to know how they are showing their bottom navigation bar.

Ilteration 1

Ilteration 2

Ilteration 3

In-dept Interview + Concept Testing

Information Architecture

Defining the structure and relationship between all areas of a site, and informs the sitemap

High Fidelity Designs

Representing the product in its ideal state


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