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About Bukit Vista

Bukit Vista launched a property management & monitoring app for business owner (B2B) to track guests, bookings, or financial progress anywhere & anytime. Bukit vista manage over 170+ unique properties, 12 Airbnb accounts and over 30,000 combined reviews. We’ve hosted over 40,000 Airbnb guests as of Dec 2019. The vision of Bukit Vista strived to provide excellent property management services and enhance profitability in the hospitality sector.



As we want to optimize our partner for tracking their business - There was several cases which still did the traditional procurement  to do submission of hold dates. Mostly they did by email to contact Bukit Vista's agent and doing feedback in app by notification (not fully e-procurement). So there was a gap, when application was not proper to provide business owner for managing their property. With our expectation , we would create fully e-procurement, instead, business owner can easily do and track their status for submission with precision


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What Is Booking Feature?

Booking feature was one of the most important tools for business owner to track their properties experiences. 


This feature allows business owners to manage their property, starting from booked room's notification until managing business owner's finances. 


However, one of the challenge was there's any adjustment where a calender was the main basis action for user to manage the date for their properties properly (the old experience, user just view the update status for booked room by guest).




Old Design Of Booking Feature 

User Research

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Existing Flow

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How might we improve submission process for business owner so that we can transform fully digital in our app?

Research Competitor Analysis:

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Insight From The Research:

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Business owners need guidance on the submission process, especially their decide to know and interest to use hold feature

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Use Case Scenario:

I have defined the use case that'll most likely happen in the platform with various scenarios as seen from the table on the left.

Proposed Flow for Hold Date Submission

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I have defined the use case that'll most likely happen in the platform with various scenarios as seen from the table on the left.

Information Architecture

I created these IA for Owner to track their property management, so that i make sure i captured our  owner's needs. 


In result, i could prioritize which architectural components to build 

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This wireframe (as high fidelity designs) was created based on scenario that represented start from do submission until got approval for hold date feature.

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1. Follow the Natural User Flow

    (Configuring Side Button For Every


I decided to place all CTA buttons placed towards the right of content  (>) for business owner to easily scan all the information left instead.

2. Clear Information About Hold date


I tried to emphasize several components for the hold date information:

a. Added toast message about time 

    remaining, so business owner

    could aware if there's a clear information

    about it.

b. There's a pop up information for case

    who business could not do submisson

    caused of hold date was empty.

c. Review page, provide to remind business

    owner for the data that they fill.

3. Clear Notification About Status Hold

    Date Submission

There is a push notification that made it easy for users to track the progress of their hold date request. for next interaction, user would be directed to the notification page to access comprehensive information. 


If the status was approved, they would be redirected to the calendar page to see whether the requested date had been generated.

Usability Testing

As the proposed wireflow of Hold Date Submission Feature for Bukit Vista B2B is needed to conduct usability testing to the potential users (Business Owner). I tested the wireframe to 5 Business Owner in Bukit Vista who frequently use this app, minimum three times a week.

Brief Conclusion From UT

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Coachmark For Hold Calendar: I tried to provide introductory about new feature that have been released. So, user can aware usecase where they want to set the hold date feature based on their needs. 


Differentiate Side Button's Color and Shadow :

I tried to differentiate side button information to build awareness of who user want to findunit's detail information

Shadow Setting


Color Setting

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