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Hai Guys, In this session, i want to share what Bias is especially in product designer (profession that related with research and design process). It was common case when you are doing a research,….The research process can be complex, and there are several factors that can contribute to bias. Bias can occur at any stage of the research process, from the formulation of research questions to the interpretation of data.


Based on physicological research:

“Bias is the ignore facts that do not fit our pre-conceived conclusions. We are quick to jump on bandwagons and stick to old conclusions, regardless of how irrelevant they might have become in the meantime”.(Levit, 2022)


Quote that i take from physicological article. Bias is missconception between the fact that you do in data proccessing and it jump on to old conclusion that actually we precept “yap , this is the main problem”. We pointed out to conclusion statement without any consideration about data that we processed.


Factor Lead to Bias Research


In this diagram, Bias can occur at any stage of the research process, from the formulation of research questions to the interpretation of data. There any 3 step in research process: Pre Study (Research Plan), During Study (Execution and Analysis), Post Study (Intepretation & Dissemination as a result research).

Here are some examples of complexities in the research process that can lead to bias:


Here are some examples of complexities in the research process that can lead to bias:

  1. Personal bias: Personal beliefs, attitudes, and values of researchers can affect the research process and lead to bias. For example, a researcher who believes in a particular ideology may be more likely to interpret data in a way that supports that ideology.

  2. Sampling bias: When the sample of participants in a study is not5 representative of the population being studied, this can lead to sampling bias. For example, if a study on the effects of a new drug only includes healthy young adults, the results may not be generalizable to the wider population.

  3. Confirmation bias: Researchers may unconsciously seek out evidence that confirms their hypotheses and ignore evidence that contradicts them. This can lead to confirmation bias, which can skew the results of a study.

  4. Observer bias: When researchers have preconceived notions about the behavior or outcomes they are observing, this can lead to observer bias. For example, if a researcher expects a particular intervention to be effective, they may unconsciously interpret data in a way that supports this hypothesis.

  5. Publication bias: Studies that find significant results are more likely to be published, while studies with null results may go unpublished. This can lead to publication bias, which can skew the overall body of research on a particular topic.


Some points that are already explained, 5 factors have variety position in research process. In personal and sampling bias, generally present when the user is making a research plan (pre- study). Confirmation and Observer are present when the user in research execution (During Study). and publications are present when the user has determined the research results (Post- study).


These are just a few examples of the complexities and biases that can arise in the research process. It is important for researchers to be aware of these potential biases and take steps to mitigate them in order to produce accurate and reliable. So what we have to do to avoid Bias?, there is some any sugesstion that i will tell you, and hopefully this tips can be improve your research abillity.


How to Prevent Bias In Research?

Avoid bias in research is crucial to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the findings. Here are some strategies that can help avoid bias:

  1. Defining clear research questions and objectives before starting the research process.

  2. Developing an unbiased research plan that includes a variety of research methods and approaches.

  3. Recruiting a diverse group of participants to ensure a representative sample.

  4. Using standardized research protocols and avoiding leading or loaded questions.

  5. Keeping an open mind during the research process and being willing to revise preconceived ideas or assumptions based on the data collected.

  6. Conducting a thorough analysis of the data and considering alternative explanations for the findings.

  7. Being transparent about any potential biases or limitations in the research process or results.

These are just a few strategies that can help avoid bias in research. It is important for researchers to be aware of potential sources of bias and take steps to minimize their impact on the research findings.

Alright, feel free to reach out again if you have any questions in the future. Have a great day :D.


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