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McDoni is a local franchise that offers Central Javanese cuisine (typical of Solo and Yogyakarta) and currently has 20 branches in Jakarta. The restaurant, which gained more and more visitors every day, had led to uncontrolled customer queues. As a evaluation, there was a lot of feedback from customers suggesting improvements for a more organized ordering process and the option for cashless payments.


Based on the feedback received, I tried to create an application that can manage the order and payment processes for loyal McDoni customers. The goal was to enable the franchise to provide a fully digital service in the future.



Success Matrix

Customers used the McDoni app more frequently, with future integration optimizing the processes of ordering, payment, finding franchises, and placing food orders online.




Competitor Analysis

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Insight From Competitor Analysis

In the competitor analysis process, I found several scenarios that have potential to be applied at McDoni:


1. Order Foods and Beverages Process


The end-to-end order and re-order process is expected to be highlighted within the McDoni franchise. This can serve as a parameter for integrating the formed features in the future.


2. Checking Outlet and Seat Availability for Dine-In


For dine-in customer, there was a need to provide a platform for them to check the location and seat availability before coming to the franchise. This insight could be a plus point for enhancing the satisfaction of loyal McDoni customers


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Use Case Scenario

I identified several scenarios that could occur to create a sustainable ordering experience.


*These 4 foundations will serve as the starting point for the development of the McDoni application.


Proposed Flow for Whole Order Process

In the competitor analysis process, I found several scenarios that have potential to be applied at McDoni:


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Scenario breakdown for Order Process

This flow is the result of  previously explained 4 main goals.


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Information Architecture

I designed an IA (Information Architecture) that focuses on the order scenarios for customers who want to dine-in.


Additionally, I attempted to create a flow from the ordering process to payment, with one scenario involving the use of QR Code method case.


High Fidelity Design

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1. New Customer Who Want to On-Site        at the Restaurant


They could directly order from the mobile web when they wanted to dine in, made it easier for them to adapt for using the McDoni ordering app. (For take away/delivery, downloading McDoni was required).


2. For Customer Who Have Already            Downloaded the McDoni App


Customers who have downloaded the McDoni application, start from welcome screen until the access of registration/login.

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3. For Customer Who Determining Outlet, Table Availability, and Food/Drink Selection


Customers can easily determine the desired outlet location and check table availability through the location field information. The outlet selection will then guide customers to choose their food and drinks.

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4. For Customer Who Determining Outlet, Table Availability, and Food/Drink Selection


Customers can customize and view the total amount paid in detail by selecting their preferred payment method. Subsequently, they will see the payment status determined by the time required for payment

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What Should I Do for the Next Plans?

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